How Texas Farm Credit increased loan volume from online sources by 467% and website traffic by 143%

The Challenge: Boost Digital and Meet the Moment in 2020

In the aftermath of the 2020 economic shut down, Texas Farm Credit leadership recognized a need and an opportunity to grow their digital footprint. The post COVID-19 landscape led to increased interest in rural real estate, home construction loans and financing options for the broader agriculture industry. Texas Farm Credit wanted to ensure they had a plan in place to capitalize on these accelerated trends.

They wanted to:

  • Increase loans originated from online sources
  • Leverage their stellar brand reputation
  • Expand online footprint to serve and educate new prospects
  • Showcase their local reputation and expertise through online channels
  • Build a robust presence on every potential digital touchpoint: their website, Google My Business listing, social media, and email

The Solution: Expand TFC’s Online Footprint, Channel byChannel

  1. Redesign of local branch landing pages: More robust local branch landing pages allow the website to rank for local keywords and establish a clear call to action for site visitors.
  2. Optimize Google My Business listing pages: The first thing prospects saw when searching for Texas Farm Credit was their Google My Business listing — and the accompanying reviews. With the help of TFC relationship managers, each location established better, review-driven profiles.
  3. Educational content: TFC was already publishing educational content through their resource center. After a content audit, keyword research, and updating internal links, we built a plan to amplify their efforts and reach even more prospects.
  4. Lead generation through social media: Using data from website search traffic, TFC launched a Google Ads campaign to generate leads for their relationship managers and loan officers. They also began using Facebook Ads to amplify the reach of their educational content — and qualify prospects as relevant.

The Results: 8 figures in extra loan volume

  • 467% increase in loans originated from online sources — which represents an increase of mid-to high-8 figures figures in loan volume  
  • 143% increase in website traffic  
  • Landing pages: Web traffic to branch location landing pages increased 318% from 2019 to 2021
  • Google My Business: 100+ reviews (4.78 average rating), 956K search impressions, 14,279 clicks, 5,100 phone calls, and 1,709 requests for directions to local branch offices 
  • Educational content: The TFC resource center now generates an additional 2K visitors and 8K page views per month. 
  • Lead generation: 1,400+ leads and 14K website visitors in 12 months from Google Ads.

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123 Innovation Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94103